VyOS 1.3.3 LTS release
VyOS 1.3.3 (Equuleus) LTS release is now available for download to subscribers and contributors. Still, it's finally out, with significant feature backports, multiple minor improvements, and of course, bug fixes — read on for details!
VyOS 1.3.3 LTS release
Available now, with a new event handler, full container support, and more. Big thanks to all involved! #vyos #project #lts #release

New features and improvements
- New command to enable RPS (Receive Packet Steering): set interfaces ethernet $name offload rps (T3171).
- Dynamic DNS client supports IPv6 now: set service dns dynamic interface $intf ipv6-enable (T4743).
- Add IPv6-only dhcp option support (RFC 8925):set service dhcp-server shared-network-name LAN6 subnet ipv6-only-preferred 0 (T4832).
- New op mode command for displaying all configured IPsec connections: show vpn ipsec connections (T4812).
- Dummy interfaces support setting the MTU now (T4898).
- Host-unique option for the PPPoE server: set interfaces pppoe pppoeN host-uniq $intf (T4948).
- PPPoE server minimum MTU is now 1280 (T2603).
- New shaper commands for PPPoE server (T1993).
- Generate public-key-command now supports multiple keys in a single file (T5033)
- PPTP server supports RADIUS rate limit options now (T4727).
- It's now possible to set the VRF for syslog (T2769).
- Linux kernel has been updated to 5.4.234.